I thought it was time to give you all an update into what life has thrown at me. As I mentioned before, my husband passed away in June. Since that time I have pretty much had to do a total renovation on my house. It all started when the roof started to leak. I was at work the day the roofers came to install the new roof. The material was delivered by a very large truck which they backed into the driveway. The driveway cracked so bad that it sloped toward the house and caused the basement to flood. So new roof and new driveway. During the hottest and most humid week of the summer, my air conditioner died. New furnace and air conditioner had to be installed. The hot water tank dropped the bottom off and flooded the basement. New hot water tank was installed. My drier died...well you know what came next. As I was scrubbing the wall in the shower, it fell off! Well since I plan on staying in this house for many more years, I decided to do a complete tear out and replacement of the bathroom. Since the kitchen cabinets were literally fall off the wall, I did the bath and kitchen together. When things finally started to settle down, on Friday I was sitting at a stop light when WHAM! I got rear ended! So today the car goes into the shop.

You know I decided a long time ago that life was too short to let these things get to me and have been working at just getting things fixed. I was getting a little down and decided to find a new hobby and love to keep my sanity and along came 'J'. He is the new love of my life and a very good distraction. We have been going to training and dog shows. He is now officially a UKC Champion and has a leg toward his Grand Champion. We have really met some wonderful people and have been having lots of fun. Some day soon, I hope to add a couple more dogs since he has been so wonderful!

Here we are on the day he Championed! He was incredible. On this weekend there were 4 shows in total. He won his class 4 times. He won best dog 4 times. He won best of winners 3 times. He won Best of Breed and a Group Second! For a 9 month old puppy, he did incredible and was able to champion in one weekend!
This past weekend we did a 5 show. We moved up to the champions class and had some pretty stiff competition. There were 5 dogs total. He took 1 Best of Champions, 3 Reserves, a Best of Breed and a Group 4th. He is doing amazing! When I purchased this dog it really wasn't for the purpose of doing conformation. I intended on getting into rally, obedience, and later agility. This is a very interesting twist and I have decided to continue on with the conformation for the next year to see if he can get his Grand Champion and with one leg already, I think he has a good shot at it.
I'll try to update more in coming months to let you know what life has to offer and I hope you will come back to visit me soon in My Little Corner of the World. Kim
(Champion photo by 4 paws imagery)
I'm a widow, too - and isn't it odd how everything breaks! That must be the "repairman' stage of grief. I enjoyed your blog.
Your dog is precious!
You have a very beautiful blog.
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