Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter fun

Jordan and I have been sledding a couple times this week and I have to say, I had a great time. I haven't been on a sled since my children were very young. I do have to say though, I don't remember being quite so sore those many, many years ago. On one of the last runs, I hit a rather large bump and was launched! I have a feeling I am going to be even more sore tomorrow.

My little lettuce leaves are now large enough to pick a small salad each day. I am also growing the mung and adzuki sprouts for some added flavor and crunch. My golden beats are up and I hope will be large enough soon to pick some leaves for the salad. I am really amazed at the celery end I planted. It is not only sending up leaves but, the center is putting out stalks as well.

Jordan and I also wintersowed 13 more containers today. We used some water bottles and milk jugs I gathered from a neighbors recycling bin (with permission of course). We are trying to find ways to not only recycle but to recycle twice. When the vegetables and flowers are due to be planted, the containers will be put out in the recycle box.

I think it is time for these poor old bones to go soak in a nice hot tub! See you next time in My Little Corner of the World. Kim

Wintersown 1/21
Hyssop blue, eyeball plant, blue-eyed daisy, lemon balm, 4 o'clocks, white bunching onions, bronze fennel, lime basil, bright lights chard, catalonga lettuce, Isikurio scallions, scenic spinach

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